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Zack Lockheart

Name: Zack Lockheart

Age: 20

Gender: Male

Specie: Red Fox

Occupation: Student, Fast-Food Worker

Hobbies: Road trips, Band Guitarist, Video Games

  • Playing music
  • Road trips
  • Making new friends
  • Eric
  • Big Cities
  • Conflict
  • Negativity



Not much is known about Zack's past. He was admitted to the orphanage by a good samaritan when he was presumably abandoned in the streets when he was only a baby. despite all this, he grew up into an energetic and extroverted young man.

He soon noticed that Eric, one of the orphans, was just sitting in a corner, talking to nobody. He was the one to approach him and befriend him, trying to get him to open up. They've become inseparable ever since. Zack became a guitarist at 16 years old and joined an Electro-Rock band called 'Starlight', and made some money by selling tickets and CDs of their songs.

Zack loves exploring and thus learned how to drive and bought an old 4x4 for very cheap to satisfy that need. He would also make Eric reluctantly tag along. After they were forced to live in the city in their early adulthood, Zack and Eric attended a nearby college and thus had to live in a dorm, and Zack had to get a job as fast-food worker to make money on the side.


Contrary to his brother Eric, Zack is an extrovert. He's always ready to socialize and make friends. He is quite affectionate of Eric, who his caring and patient nature pushed him to help open up when Eric would just shyly sit in a corner by himself. He never leaves his side, having become a sort of parental figure for him. While his slightly girly looks may make him look frail, he can defend himself pretty well, having some knowledge of hand-to-hand combat. He is very afraid of bugs.
