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Heya! My name's Wolfreak! I'm just some dude from France who loves to draw furries and play video games. I'm currently working as a full-stack junior web dev, working with HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP as well as frameworks such as Angular and Node.js. Maybe one day i'll learn other languages and be able to program my own games!

I've been a furry since around 2010. I've also been drawing furries at around that time, though they were all just sketches I did while bored in class. However i didn't start engaging with the community until late 2019 when I started drawing for real using my newly acquired Surface pro 7 tablet, which I've used daily ever since.

But then why does my personal website look and feel like it came straight from the early 2000's? Well it's because I just like how it looks and feels, lol!


Who's this handsome blue-nosed canine i keep seeing?

That's my fursona, Eric! A fursona is.. well.. a furry persona! A character that would represent what you are, or what you aspire to be, or whatever you want! Someone you can see yourself in. In Eric's case, He's an artist, plays video games all day, and is rather lazy... Like me!.. heh... Plus wolves are some of my favorite animals! And don't forget to check out my other OCs!

What inspired you to draw?

I've been drawing for as far as can remember. I mainly drew in a sketchbook while bored in class. I started drawing furries during middle school since around 2010/2011 (I don't remember honestly). But it's nothing major. Just some random sketches on a sketchbook. Afterwards I pretty much stopped drawing for more than a year after I finished highschool. But I started to really want to draw for realsies, so in 2019 I bought a tablet to help me make my ideas a reality! Since then i've been drawing on it nearly daily and I never regretted it!

What do you draw on, and what software do you use?

I draw on a Microsoft Surface pro 7. It's basically a tablet-laptop and it works with a pen! As for software, I mainly use Krita. It's completely free, but still pretty good and feature-rich!

What is the lore around the characters you created? Have you thought of any?

Well kinda yea. I have a whole world and backstory made up in my head for my characters! Basically it's kind of a mix between sci fi and fantasy elements with magic crystals and futuristic technology based around it. If you wanna know more about my OCs you can always check out the characters page!

Are you cute?

no u

Don't forget to check out my art by clicking those links to my art pages!

I also have a wix site

2020 - 2021 66Wolfreak99 All the art is drawn by me and belongs to me